P-29, r. 1 - Regulation respecting food

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7.3.8. Inscriptions on means of transport: Truck bodies and trailers or containers used for salvaging or for transporting inedible meat must bear on their sides or on removable panels, in legible and conspicuous indelible letters at least 10 cm high, the inscription “inedible meat” and the name and address of the operator of the dismembering plant or of the salvager and his permit number.
The first paragraph does not apply to truck bodies, or trailers or containers used for salvaging or transporting sheep or goat inedible meat.
The said inscription may also be accompanied by the expression “rendering plant” reserved exclusively for the identification of the means of transport of the holder of a dismembering plant permit of the “rendering plant” category.
The indications and inscriptions prescribed in this section must be in bold-type letters or figures of the same character and colour. The colour of the letters and figures must be different from that of the sides or removable panels.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. P-29, r. 1, s. 7.3.8; O.C. 854-98, s. 16; O.C. 477-2010, s. 1.